Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is Web 2.0 important?

This whole concept is fascinating. I need to do more on the computer, but bottom line I am a kindergarten teacher, and the things I think about sharing that my students do or say need to be shared with parents first. What if a parent does not want their child's work shared over the web? Do I need to keep another permission form?
I am looking forward to learning the answers!


  1. I agree with you about the permission of parents. We need to find out more about the safety issues for your children.

  2. Our media release form does cover internet - BUT you can also come up with another form for parents to sign depending on the scope of your project. One of the things I want you to think about while you are taking this course is online privacy and students. I am always VERY careful never to use kids full names unless I have permission and for my media center blog I am very careful to not show kids faces in the pictures. We are working on getting some kind of central place to put the media release forms at school so we know who does and does not have permission. I think parents are losing some of their fear over the internet, as long as they know up front what you will be doing - and we all know parents LOVE to see what their kids are doing!

  3. Even though the privacy issues may need to be worked out- I could see this as a great avenue to communicate with parents and offer resources for extra help.
    It was great to hear the students on other blogs read their poetry or share fun facts! What a self-esteem boost for kids!! I think if we could present this to the parents as something very positive---and not scary, where they were assured their kids would not be put in "internet danger..." most would see it as something beneficial.
    Awesome start on the blog, Margaret! I love the name :)
